CFL Hunter Vaccinations
We are extremely grateful to FIG and KEMH for arranging enough doses of the Covid-19 vaccination to treat local fishing crews, which means that now all our crew have received at least one dose of the vaccination. It has been a testing time through the entire pandemic especially trying to get crew, anxious about their […]
Footage From The Deep
Dr. Tabitha Pearman is currently working at SAERI on a CFL funded project to map benthic species in Falklands’ waters and to assess the impact longlining activity has on the sea floor. This is a two-year project building on early assessment of vulnerable benthic habitats undertaken by Dr. Paul Brewin in support of our last […]
CFL Hunters Take 2021 Indoor League
The “CFL Hunters”, one of 10 indoor football teams that played in the 2021 league were the overall champions of the tournament. Captained by our very own Ross Peters, playing in goal, the team managed 8 wins and a draw ensuring that the early front runner, the Fortuna Mustangs, was relatively quickly trailing in second […]